Additional Academic Information

General Education Competencies

  1. Students will be able to reason and solve quantitative problems from a variety of contexts (Quantitative Reasoning).
  2. Students will be able to comprehend, interpret, discuss, and analyze written communication of various genres (Reading Intelligence).
  3. Students will be able to develop and express ideas in writing across multiple genres (Written Communication).
  4. Students will be able to prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, compelling, and which foster learning among their listeners (Oral Communication).
  5. Students will be able to describe the history of civilizations and the forces shaping contemporary society (Cultural Literacy).
  6. Students will be able to identify, evaluate, locate, use, and share information as appropriate for a given information need (Information Literacy).

Transferability of Boyce College Credits

With the exception of course CP 100, all associate and baccalaureate-level courses and degrees at Boyce College are intended for transfer to other colleges at the discretion of the receiving institution.